American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): Traveling with your pet
Companion Animal Parasite Counsel (CAPC) : CAPC is an independent, non-profit organization that is dedicated to increasing awareness of the threat parasites present to pets and family members. They have a fun interactive Parasite Prevalence Map specific to each state. Check it out!
Feline Diabetes: Information for cat owners
Ohio State University's Indoor Pet Initiative: Enriching the lives of indoor cats and dogs
Pet Poison Helpline : If your pet has been exposed to or ingested something potentially toxic, Pet Poison Hotline's experts will gather information about the exposure, run calculations and will determine if the pet can be monitored from home or should be seen by your veterinarian. If a veterinary visit is warranted, Pet Poison Helpline will work with our veterinarians to develop a treatment plan specific to your pet's situation.
Veterinary Partner: Information about various pet topics and diseases. This is our go-to place to find quality information on the web!